Hydraulic motor fluid


Hydraulic Motor Fluid The Lifeblood of Your System

Hydraulic motor fluid, or hydraulic oil, is essential for the proper operation of a hydraulic motor. It serves multiple critical functions


Lubrication Reduces friction between moving components, preventing wear and extending component life.   

Power Transmission Transmits power from the pump to the motor.   

Cooling Absorbs and dissipates heat generated during motor operation.   

Sealing Creates a hydraulic seal to prevent leakage.   

Protection Protects against corrosion, rust, and oxidation.   

Types of Hydraulic Fluids

Petroleum-Based Hydraulic Oils


Most common type, offering a good balance of properties for various applications.   

Available in different viscosities to suit operating temperatures.   

Synthetic Hydraulic Fluids


Engineered for superior performance in extreme conditions (high temperatures, low temperatures, heavy loads).

Offer better oxidation resistance, longer fluid life, and improved efficiency.

Water-Glycol Fluids


Used in specific applications requiring fire resistance or biodegradability.

Offer good heat transfer properties.

Phosphate Ester Fluids


High fire resistance, suitable for high-temperature applications.

Limited compatibility with other fluid types.

Fluid Selection

Choosing the right hydraulic fluid is crucial for optimal motor performance and system longevity. Consider the following factors   


Motor Manufacturer's Recommendations Always prioritize the fluid recommended by the motor manufacturer.

Operating Temperature Select a fluid with a suitable viscosity range for the expected operating temperatures.   

Fluid Compatibility If mixing fluids, ensure compatibility to avoid problems.

Additives The fluid should contain appropriate additives for anti-wear, anti-foam, and oxidation resistance.   

Environmental Considerations Some applications may require biodegradable or environmentally friendly fluids.

Fluid Contamination

Contamination can severely damage a hydraulic motor. Common contaminants include   


Water Can lead to corrosion, cavitation, and reduced lubrication.

Air Causes aeration, which can lead to cavitation and reduced power output.

Solid Particles Wear particles and dirt can accelerate wear and damage components.

Regular fluid analysis and filtration are essential to maintain fluid cleanliness and protect the motor.   


different types of hydraulic fluids


Would you like to know more about hydraulic fluid maintenance or troubleshooting related to fluid issues

Contact a hydraulics specialist or HANJIU . Solve all your hydraulic motor problems


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