Hydraulic motor specifications


Hydraulic motor specifications refer to the technical details that define a particular hydraulic motor's characteristics and capabilities. These specifications are crucial for selecting the appropriate motor for your application and ensuring its proper operation within your hydraulic system.


Here's a breakdown of some key hydraulic motor specifications to consider


Displacement (ccrev)


This specifies the volume of fluid displaced by the motor per revolution. It essentially defines the motor's potential speed and torque output. Larger displacement motors can deliver higher torque at lower speeds, while smaller displacement motors provide lower torque at higher speeds.

Torque (lb-ft or N⋅m)


This refers to the rotational force produced by the motor at its shaft. It determines the motor's ability to overcome resistance and perform work. The torque output is directly related to the displacement, system pressure, and motor design.

Speed (RPM)


This specifies the rotational speed of the motor shaft in revolutions per minute (RPM). It is determined by the input flow rate and displacement of the motor.

Pressure Rating (PSI or MPa)


This indicates the maximum pressure the motor can withstand safely. Operating the motor beyond its pressure rating can lead to damage or failure.

Shaft Speed Range (RPM)


This specifies the allowable range of operating speeds for the motor shaft. Exceeding the recommended speed range can reduce efficiency, accelerate wear, or even cause damage.

Flow Rate (GPM or Lmin)


This refers to the volume of hydraulic fluid the motor requires per unit of time (gallons per minute or liters per minute). The flow rate is often determined by the desired motor speed and horsepower.

Motor Size (dimensions)


This includes the physical dimensions of the motor, such as its length, width, and height. It's important to consider the available space for motor installation in your equipment.



The weight of the motor can be a factor, especially for mobile applications where weight needs to be managed.



This indicates the ratio of useful output power to the hydraulic power input. A higher efficiency motor translates to less wasted energy and lower operating heat.

Continuous Duty Rating


This specifies the motor's capability for continuous operation under specific load and speed conditions. Exceeding the continuous duty rating can lead to overheating and reduced lifespan.

Intermittent Duty Rating


This indicates the allowable periods of operation at higher loads or speeds, with specified rest intervals for cooling.

Control Type


This refers to the method used to control the motor's direction and speed. Common control types include pressure control, displacement control, and servo control.

Additional Specifications


Depending on the specific motor model, there might be additional specifications like shaft thread type, keyway size, port sizes (for fluid inlet and outlet), and mounting options.

Selecting a Hydraulic Motor


When choosing a hydraulic motor, consider the following factors


Application Requirements Identify the required torque, speed, and power for your specific application.

Operating Conditions Consider factors like system pressure, duty cycle (continuous or intermittent), and environmental conditions.

Physical Constraints Ensure the motor's size and weight fit the available space in your equipment.

Control Needs Determine the desired control method (pressure, displacement, servo) for your application.

By understanding these hydraulic motor specifications and considering your application requirements, you can select the most appropriate motor for optimal performance and efficiency in your hydraulic system.




Hydraulic Motor Manufacturer's Catalogs These provide detailed specifications for various motor models offered by the manufacturer.


Hydraulic System Design Guides These guides may include recommendations for motor selection based on system requirements.

Remember, consulting with a qualified hydraulics engineer or technician is always recommended for complex applications or if you require assistance in selecting the most suitable hydraulic motor for your specific needs.


Contact a hydraulics specialist or HANJIU . Solve all your hydraulic motor problems


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